Wednesday 26 November 2008

For Fuck's Sake Dearie

Seriously, is there any real need for this, yet another example, of insane political correctness? Do will live in a world where everyone needs to be wrapped in padding so they can't be hurt if anybody says something that isn't considered "socially acceptable"? It won't be long before we all simply homogenised clones wandering around the place with no opinions of our own, eating only health food and having our brains rotted by the endless parade of shit-awful "reality" shows that plague our television like cancer for the eyes.

Granted, most of the above rant has nothing to do with this story itself. It just happens that it kind of touches a nerve. That being the horrific thought that people will simply roll over and accept any old shit the government decides to shovel their way because they'll tell them they are safe. You will pay us to have an intrusive, privacy invading ID so we can track you at all times. Fight terrorism my arse. As long as the government can keep it's people in a constant state of fear, and thus control it, it doesn't give a flying fuck if you're bombed to pieces.

This really has become quite the rant and may well only make sense to me but fuck it. This is my blog and opinion. If you don't like it, fuck off.

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