Saturday 29 November 2008


OK, let's get the serious stuff out of the way first. Yes, it's terrible that 30,000 people's jobs are under threat because of this, I understand. It's a hell of time to be worried about your job.

However, I cannot for the life of me see why the British public are weeping over the demise of the Woolworths brand. As far as I can recall Woolworths has been nothing more than a huge, over-priced mess of a chain. Selling cheap goods at excessive prices and offering consumers nothing that they can't get elsewhere for cheaper. Woolworths will probably be most remembered by people for it's "pick 'n' mix" which was the most over-priced item in the store.

Besides, to become nostalgic about a chain store is ludicrous in itself. Seriously people, this isn't some local store that has been in the community for years where you know the people who own it. It's a massive entity. Where are the people bemoaning the poor fortunes of MFI, Currys, PC World and B&Q? That's right, there aren't any and why should there be?

According to Tony Parson's ridiculous column in The Mirror today he claims that Woolworths "has been a cornerstone of working class life in this country". Pardon Me? I happen to be working class and Woolworths has never been a cornerstone of my life or anyone else I know. Like Tony Parsons (best selling author and GQ columnist) has been working class in some time.

His column becomes much worse as he starts banging on about how people were "poor but happy". Again, I doubt Mr. Parsons has been "poor" for some time. I would also like to point out there is nothing happy about being poor. Try it Tony, you might despise it. You'll also despise idiots like yourself who seemingly talk out of their backsides about poor but happy Englanders.

In short, don't cry for Woolworths it's a disposable brand name that will be replaced and forgotten by an entire generation soon enough. Oh, and avoid Tony Parsons ramblings. The man's a fucking moron.


There's a title I never thought I would have.

Yes, I do watch X-Factor. I'm sure people will get over it. However, what bothers me about this story is the fact this man, who could actually sing, is being insulted by Sinitta. How can Sinitta possibly be any kind of authority on talent I simply don't know. This is a woman who's claim to fame is the song "So Macho". Seriously, what the fuck is this song and video all about? This woman is used by Simon Cowell as a judge of talent on his show. Is he fucking insane. Cowell may not know shit about decent music but he does know how to make money. Sinitta falls into neither of these categories. However, people will take this useless, 80's has been at her word because our culture has disintergrated into this braindead mass of morons who are obsessed with celebrities. Which is why shows like X-Factor exist.

This has, once again, descended into a rant about the state of the nation. Well good. I think society is rotten so I'm going to have my say about it. So there.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

For Fuck's Sake Dearie

Seriously, is there any real need for this, yet another example, of insane political correctness? Do will live in a world where everyone needs to be wrapped in padding so they can't be hurt if anybody says something that isn't considered "socially acceptable"? It won't be long before we all simply homogenised clones wandering around the place with no opinions of our own, eating only health food and having our brains rotted by the endless parade of shit-awful "reality" shows that plague our television like cancer for the eyes.

Granted, most of the above rant has nothing to do with this story itself. It just happens that it kind of touches a nerve. That being the horrific thought that people will simply roll over and accept any old shit the government decides to shovel their way because they'll tell them they are safe. You will pay us to have an intrusive, privacy invading ID so we can track you at all times. Fight terrorism my arse. As long as the government can keep it's people in a constant state of fear, and thus control it, it doesn't give a flying fuck if you're bombed to pieces.

This really has become quite the rant and may well only make sense to me but fuck it. This is my blog and opinion. If you don't like it, fuck off.

Sunday 23 November 2008


Bob The Builder raves it old school style...or something like that. As if I would have a clue what kind of "lingo" would be correct when writing about this.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Sailing Somewhere Close to Sanity

Charlie Brooker perfectly sums up the whole "Manuelgate" ludicrousness on his marvellous telly box show, Screenwipe. It's on Tuesdays at 10:30pm on BBC Four in case you didn't know. It's exactly what I would say if I was able to verbalise my opinion as well as him.

Tuesday 11 November 2008


So, Underbelly premiered last night on FX here in the UK and, to put it bluntly, I thought it was utter shit. It was so badly done I couldn't work out if it was a spoof or not. Seriously, I spent the first ten minutes thinking this could be from the creators of Darkplace it was so bad. It really was staggeringly awful. From the hideous level of non-acting on display to the piss poor production values the whole thing just reeked of shit. It make Australian soaps like Neighbours and Home and Away look oscar worthy in comparison. I sware, I will never mock those shows again after sitting through this rubbish.

Thankfully, Prison Break is on tonight and that should erase this total bollocks from my memory. It might be ludicrious in parts but it always entertaining. Which can't be said for Underbelly.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Take that 12A certificate!

It seems somebody has been paying attention to the rants of people, like myself, who can't stand the 12A rating. Granted, this isn't just applied to films with the 12A rating but it has to be the biggest offender.

For example, I went to see the Michael Moore documentary "Sicko". Now, considering this is a film about health care you can't really see it drawing a large teenage audience. I certainly didn't expect the group of baseball capped, tracksuit warriors who entered the screening. Now, instead of judging I gave them a chance. But when they wouldn't shut up I turned round and told them to "shut the fuck up". On a side note, this is the first time I have ever felt compelled to say this in a cinema. Shortly after this they left. Why did they even buy tickets to this film? Perhaps they thought it was the latest "torture-porn" film, considering the title.

Anyway, my point is this isn't the first time a group of idiotic children has invaded a film they clearly have no interest in. Both "The Interpreter" and "Ghost Town" spring to mind. So I'm all for adult only showings of films. You know, for people who actually want to watch the films! It's just a pity my local is an Empire and not a Vue. Damn it.