Friday 27 March 2009

Your Tax Money in Action

Couple given £4,500 of taxpayers' money for 'psychic academy'

That's right, two con artists have been handed over a wedge of cash from the government. During a recession mind you. Now this kind of utter bullshit makes me sick. These two are obvious liars and, yet, have managed to convince the government that they are a legitimate business operation. I have no idea how but I have some magic beans I'll like to sell the government.

These people cannot contact the dead. Yet they use their "power" to con grieving relatives out of money in order to feed them a string of bullshit. How can these people sleep at night? Exploiting those who are mourning the loss of loved ones is pretty fucking low. However, some people are willing to take these liars at their word with not a shred of prove. They've obviously never heard of cold reading. That and taking people's money appear to be the only skills these two can teach people.

Personally, I think people need to grow up and understand the fact that when people are dead they are dead. That's it. Until they do crooks like Paul and Deborah Rees will continue to steal from the grieving.

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