Thursday 30 April 2009

Terminal Arsehole

Jack Tweed 'boasts over bank balance'

Not weeping over the death of his beloved Jade, no he instead uses her death in order to be able to brag to young offenders. What a guy. What bravery. What courage. He suffered the greatest loss of all when "brave Jade" (no doubt I owe The Sun royalties now) died. That's what the press would have you believe but it seems that marrying a woman dying of Cancer was the best thing for his bank balance because he's now "loaded".

I may not have liked ignorant racist Jade Goody but this cunt is in a league of his own as far as out and out arseholes go. Hopefully his bragging can cause some kind of stairwell twat bashing by other inmates.

After all this is a man who thought beating up a sixteen year old with a golf club was a good idea. Then, when released, thought it would be a good idea to attack a taxi driver. As well as getting his cock out of a moving a vehicle. Then his family complained about his "harsh sentence" due to him being a "celebrity". Celebrity, are you fuck you worthless sack of skin. Go away and fuck off and die you pathetic waste of sperm.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

"...that's how I was raised."

Gay marriage row at Miss USA show

So you were raised an ignorant, moronic homophobe. You had no ability to learn and form you own opinions. It cost you first place in a pointless beauty contest. Good. You should reward morons.

That is the kind of bullshit excuse people use for their homophobic and racist believes. It's how I was brought up. It was a different time. All the same crap the seems to point to the fact the people are incapable of looking beyond what they have been told, learning things like facts and then forming their own individual opinions based on these. No, it's not any kind of excuse at all. Everybody has the ability to learn and grow as people. To change their minds and perspectives. However, some people simply choose not to. Why? Do they enjoy blinding hating people based on prejudice? Or are these the kind of people who think that you can prove anything with facts? It baffles me as to why people think like that.