Friday 13 February 2009


Microsoft bounty for worm creator

Is it just me or does this article from the BBC News website have the most clichéd pictures to accompany it?

My favourite is the third one.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Just Thinking

BBC 'must stop kids' TV decline'

Now, is it just me or shouldn't people be happy with this? I mean, don't they want "the little blighters" to move more and thus live longer? I'm pretty sure that's what their latest government propaganda campaign is about.

Just thinking...

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Fuck Off

Granted it's a strongly worded title for a piece but I feel it deserves it. Especially, since I got quite angry reading the following article:

Why we need more nannying

Yes Dr Alan Maryon-Davis, President of the UK Faculty of Public Health, seems to think that people are too stupid to make their own decisions and think that the government should be telling us all what to do and, no doubt, think as well.

According to this man the public want the government to tell them what to do. Which is odd. As I don't know anyone who backs this kind of propaganda the government like to put out. Instead of focusing on real problems like the recession and growing unemployment. I'd like to say more on the governments useless approach to unemployment but I feel it's a long rant for another post.

He claims, "
I see an increasing acceptance that we, all of us, need not only more information and guidance from government, but also more legislation to save us from ourselves."

Save us from ourselves indeed. Well thank Christ you and your group of know it alls are here to tell us what to do. Otherwise, we might live our lives as we choose to rather than being bullied by cretins like you.

Mind you, he works for the same that praised the recent piece of patronising government propaganda know as "Change 4 Life". Wow, using a 4 instead of "for". They must be so cool. You've seen the rancid adverts no dobut. The ones featuring plasticine men going on about how we "love the little blighters". Seriously. This is the language that the government will feel that will work on the common man. Only, this is what happens when middle-class governmental types think the working class talk like. The kind of tossers that make far too much money and live in a bubble protecting them from the real world. The most amusing thing about them is how the official Department of Health posting of the video has comments disabled. DO NOT QUESTION YOUR GOVERNMENT!!!

"This is not 'nannying'. This is responsible government acting on behalf of a consenting public."

No, 'nannying' is exactly what this is. So leave people alone to do as they please and fuck off while your doing it.